Through the law evolution of the obligation of cohabitation, we find out some reasons why obligation of cohabitation has not been provided in Chinese Marriage Law. 透过我国法律对同居义务规定的演进,我们找到了我国《婚姻法》至今未加以规定同居义务的部分缘由。
The right to sue for the infringement of intellectual property may be based on the property laws or law of obligation. 侵害知识产权请求权可以分为财产法上的请求权和债法上的请求权。
The law of obligation can only provide post relief to the creditor of the properties being sold to two creditors; 对于一物二卖,债权法只能提供事后救济,而且其他债权人的特定利益难以实现。
Novation of obligation not only conform to the principle of freedom of contract and modern efficiency, but also has great significance in consummating the following institution of civil law: transfer of obligation, guaranty of debt, prescription and termination of obligation. 债的更新不仅符合合同自由和现代效率原则,而且对于债之移转、债的担保、时效以及债的消灭等制度的完善均有重要意义。
The second chapter is to analyze the specific regulations and rules of the application of the utmost good faith in the insurance law: the establishment of the disclosure obligation. 第二章是对最大诚信原则在保险法中适用的具体制度的分析:告知义务的确立。
Impossibility of performance, an important concept in the law of obligation in the Continent Law System, is one of core questions in contract law. 履行不能是大陆法系债法上的重要概念,与迟延履行、不完全履行共同构成债务不履行的三大形态,是契约法上的核心问题之一。
Originated from Roman Law, novation of obligation is one cause of termination or obligation in the traditional civil law codes. 债的更新起源于罗马法,是传统民法中债权消灭的原因之一。
On the Status of the Law of Obligation in the Civil Code The Construction of Pretrial Conference of Civil Litigations in China 论债法在民法典中的地位我国民事诉讼审前程序之建构
Civil execution is the system that the parties realize private law relation of right and obligation confirmed by law in virtue of public right. 民事强制执行是当事人借助国家公权力实现其经法律确认的私法上的权利义务关系而形成的制度。
Part Three: Property Rules ( 1) Property rules exist in constitutional law, law of things, obligation law, corporate law and law of remedies. 第一节:我们叙述了财产权规则在宪法、物权法、债法、公司法、救济法中体现,建立一个统一的广义上的财产权规则的体系。
Constructing the contractual obligation is an important issue about law of obligation. 契约义务的构造,则为现代债法之重要课题。
These are the two fundamental bases for the limited independence of Tort in Law of Obligation. 此为侵权行为法独立于债法体系之中的两大根本依据。
The obligatory responsibility of the administrative law is mainly composed of statutory obligation, voluntary obligation, and promissory obligation. 行政法上的义务体系主要由法定义务、意定义务和承诺义务构成。
With the recent years 'studies of theory and practice in lawmaking in many countries, clausula rebus sic stantibus has become important legal institutions in modern law of obligation, and the official lawmaking will be an inevitable trend. 从近些年各国立法实践和理论研究的情况看,情事变更制度已成为当代债权法中一项重要的法律制度,其立法化也已成为不可逆转的趋势。
The establishment of the law institution of obligation of security is to comply with the public's requirements to the law and regulations about the obligation of security because of their impairments of the body and property. 安全保障义务这一法律制度是因应现实生活中社会公众在社会活动中遭受人身和财产方面的损害得不到有效或充分的救济而产生对法律的明确规定这一需求而产生的。
The special obligatory itself has a prior validity, and its realization is a category which belongs to law of obligation and procedural law, not to real right law. 特种债权本身具有优先效力,其实现本质上属于债权法、程序法而非物权法的范畴。
On Regulation And Its Apocalypse Of German Law Of Obligation Modernization To Prescription 我国时效制度之借鉴与完善&以《德国债法现代化法》的视点
With the fast development of the civil law of our country, the safety-guard obligation attracts wide-ranging attention of the society gradually, especially during the crucial time of the tort law-making. 随着我国民法立法步伐的加快,特别是侵权法立法工作进入关键时期,安全保障义务逐渐受到社会各界的广泛关注。
The partition of law of material right and law of obligation originated from Roman Law. 物权法和债权法的分立起源于罗马法。
However, the research on the theory of collateral obligation now is often limited in the field of contract law and the development of collateral obligation is ignored. 目前学者对附随义务法律问题的研究大多局限于合同法领域,忽视了其发展变化的过程,这样往往只反映出事物的一个片断。
For example, our country law has no general provisions of the natural obligation. In judicial practice, the judges fail to form a unified know on the natural obligation, which causes different terms to phenomenon. 例如,我国法律中并没有自然债务的一般规定,在司法实务中对自然债务未能形成统一的认识,造成了司法实践中同案不同判的现象等。
In traditional theory of contract law, the creation of contractual obligation is according to regulation by law and engagement by the parties, except which there is no any obligation or liability between the parties. 传统的合同法理论认为,合同关系中义务产生的依据是法律规定与合同约定,除此之外,当事人之间没有任何权利义务关系,彼此不承担违约责任。
The core of law of obligation is the obligations in the relationship of debt. 债之关系上的义务群,乃债法的核心问题。
In the meantime, we shall issue the Law of Obligation to improve the system and to protect the rights and interests of the guarantor in a systematic manner. 同时,我们还应出台债法,从制度的完善上系统地保障保证人的权益。
Method of possession protection is mainly divided into the protection of real right law and law of obligation. 对占有保护的方法主要分为物权法上的保护和债权法上的保护。
The theoretical basis of natural obligation is actually natural ideas and honest moral principle in civil law. The system of natural obligation reflects the harmony of the law and the morals. 自然债务的理论基础实际上是自然法思想和诚实守信的道德原则在民法上的体现。
Joint and several obligation is a kind of obligation with several creditors or several debtors, which has been of great importance ever since the Rome Law, and still remains a fundamental yet complicated issue in the domain of law of obligation. 连带债务是多数人债务的一种,自罗马法以来就是一种重要的债务类型,也是债法领域既基本又复杂的问题。
As for the discrepancies, the civil laws in Germany and Taiwan Region of China merely rest on relief in the law of obligation with no further stipulation in property law. 但在具体的救济方式上各国立法又有不同,德国和我国台湾地区仅采用债权法上的救济,而未作其他规定。
Modern civil law countries mostly inherited the Roman law of natural obligation system. However, the law of our country has no the general rules of natural obligation system. 现代大陆法系国家的法律大多都继承了罗马法的自然债务制度,并在法律中都有具体的规定,但是我国法律中并没有自然债务制度的一般规定。